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Hearing is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations through an organ such as the ear. It is one of the traditional five senses. The inability to hear is called deafness or hearing loss. Hearing loss may occur in one or both ears, and can be temporary or permanent. It can result from genetics, physical trauma to the ear, certain infectious diseases, general anaesthesia, chronic ear infections, use of particular drugs (e.g., chemotherapy agents), birth defects such as atresia, complications at birth such as a very difficult extraction or a premature birth (low birth weight) which might affect neurological development and even psychological stress.[1] Hearing loss may also be caused progressively as a result of aging (presbycusis). In some people it has been linked to exposure to loud noise.[2][3]

You may not realise how much you rely on your hearing in everyday life.

  • You may not realise how much you rely on your hearing in everyday life. It’s important to be aware of the effect that hearing loss can have, especially if you are becoming more and more frustrated by the difficulties it’s causing.
  • Hearing loss can affect your ability to communicate, understand speech and enjoy music. Being able to hear what other people say clearly is essential for effective communication.
  • One of the most important aspects for good quality of life is being able to socialise with friends and family as well as being able to carry out your normal daily activities safely and independently. If you find yourself struggling because of hearing difficulties then this may start interfering with these things that are important in day-to-day life.

If you can’t hear well, it can be difficult to take part in conversations.

If you can’t hear well, listening to people talk can be hard. You might not be able to follow what they’re saying or understand what they want from you.

If your hearing loss is mild, it might just make it more difficult for you to understand conversations. But if your hearing loss is severe, it may mean that some people won’t want to talk with you because of the difficulty in understanding each other.

People with hearing loss often find themselves in social situations where they feel excluded or left out of conversations and activities because their hearing isn’t as good as others’ (this is sometimes called “social exclusion”). It can also be stressful when someone else has difficulty understanding them.

Any gradual change in the way you hear should be investigated by your doctor.

If your hearing suddenly or gradually changes, see your doctor. Any gradual change in the way you hear should be investigated by your doctor. Your doctor will be able to help determine if any treatment is required and what type of hearing aid may be best for you.

If you are worried about your hearing, consult with your general practitioner or visit a hearing specialist.

The level of hearing loss is measured by the number and type of sounds that are missed out when a person’s hearing is tested.

  • The level of hearing loss is measured by the number and type of sounds that are missed out when a person’s hearing is tested. This is called pure tone audiometry.
  • Pure-tone audiometry measures how loud or soft a sound can be detected by each ear, so it’s important to make sure that you have good conditions where you’re being tested: no background noise and no other people around (or if they are there, they should be quiet).
  • The level of hearing loss is measured in decibels (dB) for each frequency range (Hz). So someone with mild deafness may have a 20dB loss between 250Hz and 1000Hz – which means that they would hear 65% as much as someone with normal hearing in this range.

It is important to get hearing loss checked out

Hearing loss can be caused by many things, including ageing and ear infections. However, it is important to get your hearing checked out because hearing loss can also be caused by loud noises or medications you take.


Even if you don’t have a hearing problem, it is important to keep an eye on your hearing health. If you spot any signs of hearing loss, see your GP as soon as possible so that you can get the care you need.